ttct 2018
4th March 2017

Teastas i dTeagasc Ceolta Tíre 29 October / 4 November at Cultúrlann na hÉireann Course Descriptor &Application Forms available from all CCE Branches & /education E-mail: Closing date for applications: 6 June Auditions and Interviews: Cultúrlann na hEireann 24 June
The 2O17 TTCT Course, under the Directorship of Martin Power, takes place from 29 October to 4 November at An Chulturlann. Applications are being accepted from persons specialising in fiddle, flute, whistle, concertina, button accordion, harp and banjo. Places are allocated on the basis of date of application and audition / interview. Applicants (20 years of age by 29 October 2O17) should apply as soon as possible as the course is highly subscribed. Included in this intensive course are: Irish traditional music, slow airs, traditional music education and pedagogy, instrument methodology, musical literacy and analysis, accompaniment, general preparation, and the SCT as a teaching / learning framework. The course includes practical monitored teaching practice sessions, the tutor / assessor-candidate ratio allowing for very significant levels of support. The course has been specifically designed to equip teachers of Irish traditional music to teach more effectively in a wide variety of formal and informal community settings. The TTCT 2O17 includes a new module equipping candidates with the necessary skills to work in conjunction with local CCE Branch Committees in planning, preparing and organising local educational activities and initiatives and performances. This module includes developing appropriate ‘branch core repertoire’ for different instruments and age groups. TTCT Candidates are advised by Tomás Ó Maoldomhnaigh, Ardrúnaí CCE, on best practice in relation to CCE child protection guidelines and all candidates are facilitated re CCE vetting. Applicants should have teaching experience at the time of applying and CCE units are asked to facilitate prospective applicants by providing such experience in a monitored environment or assistant role. Branches are also asked to consider supporting applicants from their units, understanding that TTCT graduates’ new skills will add to the resources of the branch.