Fr. Joe McMahon Fear Dé Fear Ceoil
12th November 2024

Fr. Joe McMahon passed to his eternal reward on Sunday 10th November 2024 after a short illness. A long-standing member of the Fleadh Nua committee, his wise counsel could always be counted on to find an amicable resolution, no matter how challenging the issue or situation at hand.
Father Joe was steeped in traditional music, and this was nowhere more evident than in his tireless work with St. Flannan’s Céilí Band where his guidance and encouragement ensured the flourishing of an entire generation of talented young musicians.
After many years on the teaching staff, Fr. Joe went on to become the President of St. Flannan’s College. Later, he was appointed Parish Priest of Scariff and Moynoe, Feakle, and Killanena and Flagmount, where he served his communities with distinction and humility, despite the enormous commitment this spread of parishes across east Clare demanded of him.
At a special ceremony in May of this year, to mark the 50th Anniversary of the Fleadh Nua in Ennis, the Ardstiúrthóir of Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann Dr. Labhrás Ó Murchú presented Fr. Joe with ‘Gradam an Chomhaltais’ in recognition of his many years of service to Fleadh Nua. Both himself and Tom Clohessy, who also received the Gradam award, were very familiar figures at Fleadh Nua down the years as they filmed the various events.
Fr. Joe was considered our Chaplin to Fleadh Nua, Cois na hAbhna and Comhaltas in Clare and indeed to the wider traditional music community, always available to be part of our celebrations and was with us in sad times too, as we bade farewell to so many of our musical friends and volunteers over the years.
Fr. Joe has left us great memories and will be sadly missed by all.
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam dílis.
Frank Whelan
Chairman, Cois na hAbhna
Funeral Arrangements
Reposing at the Church of the Sacred Heart, Scariff on Wednesday 13th, November from 3pm to 7pm. Requiem Mass will take place on Thursday 14th, November at 2pm, followed by burial in the Church grounds.